Pluteus Librorum
Displaying 3241 - 3260 of 21135
შტრიხკოდი დასახელება ქვესათაური ავტორი კატეგორია კლასიფიკატორი მდებარეობა ნომერი
7995 Advances in Environmental Research.Volume 11. მეცნიერული კვლევები,წინსვლა. 001 A 20 3423
7991 Advances in Environmental Research.Volume 18 მეცნიერული კვლევები,წინსვლა. 001 A 20 3424
8395 Bullying among youth issues interventions and theory Kiriakidis, Stavros Bullying in schools 371.4 K 48 3425
8032 Advances in Materials Science Research.Volume 1 მეცნიერული კვლევები,წინსვლა. 53+54 A 20 3426
8394 National education technology plan Educational technology 372.8 N 27 3427
8031 Horizons in World Phisycs. Volume 273 ფიზიკა 53 H 80 3428
8440 Intentional learning at its best engaged learning strategies in higher education Bransford, Kris International education 378 B 84 3429
8030 Horizons in Earth Science Research. Volume 3 გეოგრაფია 911 H 80 3430
8439 The impact of e-learning programs on the internationalization of the university Amirault, Ray J. Virtual reality in education 378 I 56 3431
8007 Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan politika 32 I 84 3432
8033 Chaos and Complexity Research Compendium,Volume 1 მეცნიერული კვლევები. 001 C 43 3434
8010 President or king? evaluating the expansion of executive power from Abraham Lincoln to George W. Bu მეტი ... Executive power 32 p 91 3435
8028 Horizons in World Physics. Volume 271 ფიზიკა 53 H 80 3437
8005 The DISCLOSE Act and campaign finance overview, analysis and debate Campaign funds 32+33 t 44 3438
8008 War an introduction to theories and research on collective violence War. 32 w 25 3439
8006 Fragile Mideast countries Afghanistan and Yemen National security 32+33 F 84 3440
8004 U.S. and China bilateral relationship strains and cooperation 32 U 10 3441
7999 U.S. Postal Service efforts and issues to restore its financial stability Postal service 351/354 U 10 3442
8189 Biomass Crops: Production, Energy and The Environment საინჟინრო ტექნოლოგიები 62 B 60 3561
1482 Эволюция геометрической мысли Богомолов,С. Геометрия 514 Б 74 4650
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