Pluteus Librorum
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შტრიხკოდი დასახელება ქვესათაური ავტორი კატეგორია კლასიფიკატორი მდებარეობა ნომერი
8400 Advances in Condensed Matter and Materials Research.Volume 8 Condens.matter Physic 538.9 A 18 3856
8132 Coal Extraction energy Science.Technology 62 C 81 3857
8129 Optimization in Polymer Processing. Chemical Engineering Mathods 54+62 O 66 3858
8371 Can we predict mathematical disabilities from abilities in kindergarten Desoete, Annemie Mathematics 51 A 60 3888
8150 Computer Graphics Computer Science.Technology 004 C 73 3861
8437 Parents with substance use disorders and child protection issues Child welfare 364+37 P 25 3862
8174 Perspectives in Theoretical Phisics. Phisic and Technology 530.1 P 47 3863
8048 Perspectives in Environmental Rresearch. Ecosistems and Technology 574 P 47 3864
8312 Casualties of U.S. wars Iraq War, 2003- 94(581)(567) C 29 3865
8175 The Open Internet,Net Neutrality and the FCC. Internet Theory and Application 004 T 44 3866
8309 George Washington, America's moral exemplar Peterson, Barbara Bennett, Presidents 94(73) G 37 3867
8135 Symmetry and its Breaking in Quantum Field Theory. Takenisa Fuita Phisic and Technology 53 S 98 3868
8308 Chester Alan Arthur the life of a gilded age politician and president Dehler, Gregory J., Presidents 94(37) c 51 3869
8138 Greenhouse Gas Emission Scenarios for Use in Climate Based Response. Environmental Science. Climate Policies. 574 G 78 3870
1122 Гипероны и К-мезоны Марков,М. Математика 511 М 25 5376
809 Курс общей физики Механика,молекулярная физика,колебания и волны Зисман,Г. физика 530.1 З 64 5991
4314 Математическое программирование.теория и алгоритмы Мину,М. Математика 519.85 М 61 5037
8485 Global Entrepreneurship:Analyses of Performance and Challenges. Business. 334 G 54 3871
8607 Психология конфликта Гришина,Н. Психология 159.9 Г 85 3929
8486 The Long-Term Budget Outlook:Federal Budget Spending and Revenue Scenarios. Economic Issues 33 T 44 3872
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