Pluteus Librorum
Displaying 3861 - 3880 of 21135
შტრიხკოდი დასახელება ქვესათაური ავტორი კატეგორია კლასიფიკატორი მდებარეობა ნომერი
8691 ერთტომეული ლექსები ჯალაღონია, ნოდარ 821.353.1-1 ჯ 19 4090
8259 Extradition and Rendition Background and Issues. Law,Crime and Law Inforsement 34 E 97 4091
8396 Special Education and Early Arithmetic Knowledge-Building. Gota Eriksson Education a Competitive and Globalizing Worldგ 37 E 68 4092
8218 Fermented Milk Products R.Ahmed Abdelrahman Food Science and Technology 613.2 F 40 4093
8408 Advances in Psychology Research.Volume 80 Psychology. 159.95 A 20 4094
8378 Child Welfare Federal Role in Assistance and Improvement Children Issues,Laws and Progress 342.7 C 52 4095
8263 Federal Climate Change Programs and Policies. Climate Change Causes. 551.5 F 33 4096
8358 Energy policies and issues Energy policy 32+33 E 54 4098
8220 Viscosity of Fruit Juices Experimental and Modeling. I.M.Abdulagatov Food Science and Technology 613.2 V 59 4100
8238 Internet policies and issues Internet 004.5 I 69 4101
8444 Biomechanics of martial arts and combative sports Neto, Osmar Pinto Martial arts 796.8 N 46 4102
8434 Advances in Energy Research. Volume 3 Energy Research 620 A 20 4103
8443 Biomechanics of martial arts and combative sports Neto, Osmar Pinto Martial arts 796.8 N 46 4102
5577 Лекции по вариационному исчислению Вычислительная математика 519.6 Б 69 4349
8121 Advances in Chemical Modeling. Chemistry Research 54 A 20 4104
8120 MicroRNA Expression,Detection and Therapeutic Strategies. Biological Processes. 577 M 65 4105
8447 Education in a strange land globalization, urbanization, and urban schools : the social and educational impl მეტი ... Education 37+306 w 65 4106
8181 Food Engineering. Food Science and Technology 664 F 74 4107
8302 From the Inside of Quarks and up to Beyond the Universe. Vagelis Talios Phisics Research and Tecnology 53+62 V 12 4108
9155 პროზა, წერილები, დღიურები. ტ.4 ტაბიძე, გალაკტიონ ქართული მხატვრული ლიტერატურა 821.353.1-1 ტ 15 6654
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