Pluteus Librorum
Displaying 6501 - 6520 of 21135
შტრიხკოდი დასახელება ქვესათაური ავტორი კატეგორია კლასიფიკატორი მდებარეობა ნომერი
2381 New research on three-manifolds and mathematics Three-manifolds (Topology) 514 N 52 7200
5052 The diary of a Cotswold parson Witts, Francis Edward, Clergy 81-94 F 44 6324
2448 Differential equations and applications: Volume 4 514 D 56 6325
3586 Digital surveillance laws, security and related issues Electronic surveillance 343 D 53 6326
3523 Disputing global warming Global warming. 504+551 6328
3497 Distributed multi-generation systems energy models and analyses Mancarella, Pierluigi Distributed generation of electric power 621.31 D 63 6329
2370 Diversity in chemical reactions pure and applied chemistry Chemical processes. 66 D 53 6330
3584 Reading a relational situation the contending lenses Dixon, John E., Social interaction. 316 D 65 6331
4148 დაავადება და გარემო ისტორიულ-ეთნოგრაფიული გამოკვლევა ეთნოგრაფია 39 დ 11 6327
2483 Domestic violence and its reverberations Family violence. 159.9 D 71 6333
2477 Domestic violence and its reverberations Family violence. 343 D 71 6334
5728 Спектоскопия на высоких и сверхвысоких частотах Инграм, Д. Физика 53 И 59 6584
2592 In the shadow of the great rebellion the life of Andrew Johnson, seventeenth president of United States Donhardt, G. politika 32+929(73) D 72 6335
2632 Cybercrime an overview of the federal computer fraud and abuse statute and related federal მეტი ... Doyle, Charles Computer crimes 343 D 79 6336
3618 Cybercrime and its implications Computer crimes 004:34 D 79 6337
4941 The Lions Mane Doyle, C 821,111 D 79 6338
3535 Dynamic noncooperative game models for deregulated electricity markers ელექტრო ენერგია 621.31 D 59 6339
3397 D-amino acids practical methods and protocols Amino acids 663 D 10 6340
2587 Ellen A. Wilson the woman who made a president Dubovoy, Sina. Presidents' spouses 32+929(73) d 84 6341
3598 Ecological approaches to health interactions between humans and their environment Dumont, Claire, Environmental health. 574 D 89 6342
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