Pluteus Librorum
Displaying 6961 - 6980 of 21309
შტრიხკოდი დასახელება ქვესათაური ავტორი კატეგორია კლასიფიკატორი მდებარეობა ნომერი
2602 The party's over oil, war and the fate of industrial societies Heinberg, Richard. Petroleum industry and trade 504 H 49 6766
4224 Хандиси/Проблема рельефа на примере одной группы грузинских стел последней четве მეტი ... Чубинашвили ,Н. Архитектура ландшафта 711(479.22) Ч 81 8054
3233 High-power and femtosecond lasers properties, materials and applications High power lasers 535+621 H 65 6767
2655 Higher education tax credits Tuition tax credits 378 H 70 6768
3547 Higway trust fund Backqround issues and projects Agricultural laborers 338 H 65 6769
3545 Hired farmworkers profile and labor issues Agricultural laborers 631 H 68 6770
9123 Александр Петрович Сумарков(1717-1777) Жизнь и творчество Русская литература 821.161.1 С 89 6771
3405 Hip replacement approaches, complications and effectiveness Total hip replacement. 617.3 H 65 6772
4013 Spinors in physics Hladik, Jean. Spinor analysis. 530 H 10 6773
972 Основания геометрии Погорелов,А. Математика 513 П 43 8080
9125 Литература пусского зарубежья 1920-1940 Русская литература 821.161.1 Л 64 6774
9130 Участие М.М.Нарышкина и других декабристов в подготовке и проведении Крестьянско მეტი ... Нарышкин,А. История России 94(47) н 30 6777
3512 Urban sustainability and Goverpance New Challenges in Nordic -Baltic hausing Policies Urban ecology (Sociology) 365 H 75 6778
2463 Homelessness bibliography Homelessness 016:342 H 76 6779
3485 Homes in peril a study of foreclosure issues Foreclosure 365 H 76 6780
3566 Hospital-acquired infections Nosocomial infections. 614.4 H 81 6781
3365 House of representatives of the U.S. House of representatives of the U.S. 321(73) H 83 6782
6424 How the European Union works your guide to the EU institutions. 328(4) H 40 6783
3340 Qualitative Investigations and Approximate Methods for Impulsive Eomations Hristora, G. 51 H 86 6784
3594 HUD housing programs for persons with disabilities People with disabilities 365 H 88 6785
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