Pluteus Librorum
Displaying 7241 - 7260 of 21135
შტრიხკოდი დასახელება ქვესათაური ავტორი კატეგორია კლასიფიკატორი მდებარეობა ნომერი
2597 Victim vulnerability an existential-humanistic interpretation of a single case study Kreuter, Eric Anton. Victims of crimes 364 k 82 6986
3328 Variations, geometry and physics in honour of Demeter Krupka's sixty-fifth birthday Calculus of variations. 51+53 6987
3214 Conservation of natural resources Conservation of natural resources. 550 K 89 6988
2565 Labor market flexibility, flexicurity and employment lessons of the Baltic States Labor market 331 L 11 6990
3221 Molecular therapy of breast cancer classicism meets modernity Lacroix, Marc, Breast 616 L 18 6991
2623 Grow or die the unifying principle of transformation Land, George T.Lock Evolution 572 L 23 7265
3246 Land use policy Land use 620 L 23 6993
5031 Latent conflict in Rolyethic Society 911+94 L 36 6994
3454 Latin American issues and challenges 331 L 36 6995
3285 Preventing suicide closing the exits revisited Lester, David, Suicide 316.6 L 58 6996
2667 The law of church and state developments in the Supreme Court since 1980 Ecclesiastical law 348 l 41 6997
2668 The law of church and state developments in the Supreme Court since 1980 Ecclesiastical law 348 l 41 6997
2546 Measuring genuine progress an application of the genuine progress indicator Lawn, Philip A. Gross domestic product 339.3 L 40 6998
2402 Leading edge organometallic chemistry research Organometallic chemistry 547 L 44 6999
1570 Lecture Notes in Physics 95. Organic Conductors and Semiconductors 53 L 45 7000
1571 Lecture Notes in Physics 95. Ouasi One-Demensional conductors 1 ფიზიკა 53 L 45 7001
1572 Lecture Notes in Physics 96. Ouasi One-Demensional conductors 2 ფიზიკა 53 L 45 7002
5569 Теория потенциала и ее применение к основным задачам математической физики Гюнтер,Н. Математика 510 Г 99 7277
1573 Lecture Notes in Physics 115 Modern Trends in the Theory of Condensed Matter ფიზიკა 53 L 45 7003
1574 Lecture Notes in Physics 129 Geometrical and Topological Methods in Gauge Theories ფიზიკა 53 L 45 7004
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