Pluteus Librorum
Displaying 7321 - 7340 of 21135
შტრიხკოდი დასახელება ქვესათაური ავტორი კატეგორია კლასიფიკატორი მდებარეობა ნომერი
4434 Memoirs on gufferential Equamions and Mathematical physics მათემატიკა 510+530.1 M 54 7065
4875 An outline of Georgian history Mesxia, S. 94(479) M 60 7066
3513 Mesoporous materials properties, preparation and applications Mesoporous materials. 621 M 60 7067
2517 Metacognition in mathematics education Mathematics 37 M 61 7069
2389 Metacognition in mathematics education Mathematics 51 M 61 7070
3455 Oligomeric state of substances Mezhikovskiĭ, S. M. Oligomers 547 M 45 7071
105 The totem and the old wirld The caucasus the Mediterranean the Pyrenees Mikeladze, M. 392 M 68 7072
2969 Didactique fonctionnelle Objectifs, strategies, evalution Minder, M. 37 M 73 7073
3354 Advances in polymer latex technology Mittal, Vikas Polymerization. 621.03 M 76 7074
2688 Mobile phones and driving Motor vehicles 344 M 78 7075
3201 Modern trends in macromollecular chemistry 547 M 78 7076
5593 Geometric topology in dimensions 2 and 3 Moise, Edwin E. Topology. 515.1 M 78 7077
2423 Molecular and high molecular chemistry theory and practice Molecular structure. 54 M 79 7078
2670 Identity theft on the rise Identity theft 35 I 34 7187
3422 Molecular simulation in material and biological research Molecular dynamics 54 M 78 7079
3239 The malleable brain benefits and harm from plasticity of the brain Møller, Aage R. Neuroplasticity. 57+616 M 79 7080
3286 Monetary policy at the cutting edge Monetary policy 336.7 M 81 7081
3567 Monetary policy at the cutting edge Monetary policy 336.7 M 81 7081
2532 Monetary policy in emerging markets and other developing countries Monetary policy 339.5 M 81 7082
2416 Monomers and polymers: Reactions and properties 0 Monomers 547 № 81 7083
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