Pluteus Librorum
Displaying 3621 - 3640 of 21135
შტრიხკოდი დასახელება ქვესათაური ავტორი კატეგორია კლასიფიკატორი მდებარეობა ნომერი
8368 Tannins and phenolics in animal nutrition chemistry and challenges Alonso, Miguel E. Tannins. 61 a 40 3890
8325 Perspectives on juvenile offenders Juvenile justice, Administration of 340 O 96 3891
8324 Libel tourism and foreign libel lawsuits Libel and slander 340 A 46 3892
8370 Color ontological status and epistemic role Storozhuk, Color (Philosophy) 101 A 53 3893
8058 Nano-Scaled and Smart Materials. A.K.Haghi Nanotechnology Science 62 N 11 3894
8054 Circuit Analysis. Electrical Engineering 621.3 C 58 3895
8056 Sinbiotic Yoghurt-A Smart Gut Food:Sciense,Technology and Application. Kasipathy Kailasapathy Food Science and Technology 613.2 S 98 3896
8198 Digital nation Broadband Internet Adoption in the United States Media and Communications. 004 D 53 3897
8322 Organized retail crime Shoplifting 343 L 83 3898
8321 Organized retail crime Shoplifting 343 L 83 3898
8653 საქართველოს საეკლესიო კანონების კრებული მიტროპოლიტი ანანია ჯაფარიძე ავტოკეფალური მართლმადიდებლური ეკლესიები 271.22+348(479.22) ჯ 26 436
8319 Judge Sonia Sotomayor : selected options Judicial opinions 340 J 89 3900
8055 Troubled Waters. Asian Carp and the Great Lakes. Environmental Sc.and Technology 574 +62 T 87 3901
4945 Комплексные Марковские цепи и континуальный интеграл Фейнмана Маслов.В. Математика 517 М 31 5387
8318 Organized crime challenges, trends and reduction strategies Organized crime 340 O 72 3902
8125 Design,Optimization and Control of Stand-Alone Power Systems Using Renewable Ene მეტი ... Energy Science.Technology 620 D 46 3903
8228 RAdio Frequency Identification. Materials Scienc and.Technology 620.1 R 13 3904
8301 Phase Formation and Superconductivity in Copper Oxide Based YBCO and RU-1212 and მეტი ... Yeon Lee Moi Materials Scienc and.Technology 620.1 P 56 3905
8452 Sand Dunes Ecology, Geology and Conservation Sand dune ecology. 574+551 s 20 3906
8373 Crash Risks and Safety Issues Among Older Drivers Aging Issues,Helth,Finance 614.8 C 87 3907
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