Pluteus Librorum
Displaying 3721 - 3740 of 21135
შტრიხკოდი დასახელება ქვესათაური ავტორი კატეგორია კლასიფიკატორი მდებარეობა ნომერი
8365 Mucosal Intestinal Immunity and Response to Parasite Infections in Ectothermic V მეტი ... Pilar Alvarez-Pellitero Immunology and Immune Sistem დისორდერს 575 M 92 3982
8040 Laws, nominations and legal issues Law 34(094.5) 3983
8262 Ecotoxicological Studies of The Black Sea Ecosystem The Case of Sevastopol Region. II.Rudneva Environmental Helth and Factors 574 E 18 3984
8222 Low-K Nanoporous Interdielectrics. Materials,Thin Film Fabrications,Structures and Properties. Moonhor Ree Nanotechnology Science 62 L 95 3985
8223 Mechanical Vibration Methods for Studying Phisical Properties of Solid Materials მეტი ... Y.Hiki Materials Scienc and.Technology 620.1 M 45 3986
8225 Remote Sensing of Solar Influence on Antarctic Terrestrial Climate from A GPS Pe მეტი ... VAhan Suparta Environmental Science. climate Policies. 574+62 R 42 3987
8073 Nanocomposite coatings Aliofkhazraei, Mahmood. Protective coatings. 667 A 36 3988
8067 Ion-Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles and Their Optical Properties. Andrey L.Stepanov Nanotechnology Science 62 I 33 3989
8188 Bulk metallic glasses ფიზიკა 537+538 B 93 3990
8500 Recession and Recovery. Whither Africa's Emerging Financial Markets? Paul Alagidede Global Racession 339 R 31 3991
8219 Silicon Carbide Particulate Reinforced Aluminum Alloys Matrix Composites Fabrica მეტი ... Adem Onat Materials Scienc and.Technology 620.1 S 60 3992
8148 Internet policies and issues Internet 004 I 69 3993
8247 Wireless sensor networks Wireless sensor networks. 004.7+681 W 76 3994
8245 Interactive and digital media for education in virtual learning environments Yiyu, Cai. Computer-assisted instruction. 372.8:004 Y 50 3995
8095 CA for Optimazation Amir Hosein Fadaei Computation Mathematics 519.6 C 11 3996
8034 Focus on artificial neural networks Neural networks (Computer science) 004.7 F 71 3997
8226 Molecular Orbital Gap Studies in Tunneling Single Molecular Devices. Vladimir Burtman Phisics Research.Technology 53+62 M 79 3998
8179 Electrochemical properties and applications of ionic liquids Ionic solutions 54 E 43 3999
8062 Dental Composites with Nano-Scaled Fillers Matthew J.Little Dental Science,Materials and Technology 620.1 D 43 4000
8499 Taxing A Polluting Monopoly with Private Information. Manel Antelo Business. 334 T 26 4002
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