Pluteus Librorum
Displaying 7421 - 7440 of 21135
შტრიხკოდი დასახელება ქვესათაური ავტორი კატეგორია კლასიფიკატორი მდებარეობა ნომერი
9578 აღთქმული გაზაფხული თადეოზი(მთავარეპისკოპოსი) პოეზია 821.353.1-1 თ 14 8179
7940 Total english Richard Acklam ინგლისური ენა 811.111 A 18 7158
7937 Total english Richard Acklam ინგლისური ენა 811.111 A 18 7158
3402 North Korea issues and U.S. policy policy 32(519) N 82 7159
5516 Жизнь земли Яковлев,А. Природоведение 502 Я 46 7337
3572 Organ donation supply, policies and practices Donation of organs, tissues, etc. 61 o 72 7161
3120 Em neu 2008, B1+Bruckenkurs Arbeitsbuch Orth-Chambah, J. .Deutsche Sprache 811.112 o 66 7162
3119 Em neu 2008, B1+Bruckenkurs Arbeitsbuch. Deutsch als Fremdsprache Orth-Chambah, J. Deutsche Sprache 811.112 o 66 7164
3107 Em neu 2008, C1 Abschlusskurs Lehrerhandbuch Orth-Chambah, J. .Deutsche Sprache 811.112 o 66 7166
3108 Em neu 2008, C1 Abschlusskurs Lehrerhandbuch Orth-Chambah, J. .Deutsche Sprache 811.112 o 66 7166
3432 Food processing methods, techniques and trends Food industry and trade 664 F 74 7163
4502 Orthogonal polynomials Orthogonal polynomials. 51 S 99 7167
3360 Education in Post-Colonial China Teachers, Schools and Bureaucracy Osei, M. 371+510 O 83 7168
3357 Democracy in the making municipal reforms, civil society, and the Brazilian Workers' Party Ottmann, Goetz Frank Democratization 351 O 91 7169
3247 Nitrous oxide emissions research progress Sheldon, Adam I. Nitrous oxide 631 N 71 7170
3469 Outsourcing, teamwork & business management Management 65.01 ჴ 92 7171
3215 Ovarian Cancer. Volume 19 New research (Horizons in Cancer research კლინიკური მედიცინა 616 O 95 7172
2573 The Chicago School how the University of Chicago assembled the thinkers who revolutionized economic მეტი ... Overtveldt, Johan van. Chicago school of economics 330 O 95 7175
3532 Directory of conservation funding sources for developing countries conservation biology, education and training, fellowships and scholarships Owino, Alfred O. Environmental agencies 621.31 O 96 7176
2591 John Quincy Adams Yankee nationalist Teed, Paul E. Presidents 32+929(73) T 29 7387
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