Pluteus Librorum
Displaying 7441 - 7460 of 21135
შტრიხკოდი დასახელება ქვესათაური ავტორი კატეგორია კლასიფიკატორი მდებარეობა ნომერი
4891 Природа информации Урсул,А. Общая теория управления 007 у 72 7501
3344 Oxidative stress and antioxidants their role in human disease Oxidative stress. 61 (577) ) p 97 7177
3187 Handbook on longevity genetics, diet and disease Longevity 612:613.2 H 22 7178
3290 Think African the changing African mind and personality today Sislian, Jack. National characteristics, African. 94(6) S 57 7179
3240 Teaching EFL in China what every foreign teacher should know before they go Wolff, Martin. English language 372.881.111.1 W 81 7181
3608 Radar technology applied to migratory conservation and management Radar in ornithology 621.39 R 13 7182
3543 Land use and climate change Rai, Suresh Chand, Land use. 551.5 ღ 17 7183
4998 Imagining History at the Crossroads : Persia, Byzantium and the Architects of th მეტი ... Rapp, St. H. 94(5) R 22 7184
4999 Imagining History at the Crossroads : Persia, Byzantium and the Architects of th მეტი ... Rapp, St. H. ისტორია 94(5) R 22 7185
3472 U.S. counter terrorism efforts in Africa Terrorism 32(4) R 24 7186
4010 The theory of sound Rayleich. W. Sound. 530 R 29 7190
6507 Total EngliSh: Elementary, workbook (with key) Foley, M. ინგლისური ენა 811.111 F 72 6181
2269 Невероятная вероятность(о прикладном значении теории вероятностей) Чубарев,А. მათემატიკა 517 Ч 81 8053
2673 Reading in America issues and solutions Reading 37 R 30 7192
3341 Reading:learning, Writigg and Disorders 37 R 30 7193
3254 Recent advances in dielectric materials Dielectrics. 621 R 31 7195
2682 REAL ID Act of 2005 and its interpretation Emigration and immigration law 32+34 R 30 7194
3403 North Korean foreign relations in the post-Cold War world 32+330 R 31 7196
2876 Recombinant DNA technology Dr. Peter Moore BSc PhD 577 R 31 7197
3483 Records and branching processes Distribution (Probability theory) 519.2 R 31 7198
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