Pluteus Librorum
Displaying 7461 - 7480 of 21135
შტრიხკოდი დასახელება ქვესათაური ავტორი კატეგორია კლასიფიკატორი მდებარეობა ნომერი
3325 Rectal cancer etiology, pathogenesis and treatment Rectum 61 R 31 7199
3470 Reforming risk in financial markets Financial institutions 336 R 34 7202
5009 Regional conflicts: The Chalenge to US-Russian Co-operation პოლიტიკა 323.1 R 35 7203
3568 Relationshin between automatic and controlled processes of attention and leading მეტი ... 316.4 R 41 7204
3564 Renewable fuel standard issues Renewable energy sources 574 R 43 7206
3559 Research and development in the pharmaceutical industry Drugs 615.1 R 45 7207
3308 Research on Evolution Eguation Compendium. Volume 2 621 R 45 7208
3243 Research progress in materials science Materials science. 53+54 R 45 7209
3440 Composting processing, materials and approaches 631.8 P 43 7210
2446 Resetting the kitchen table food security, culture, health and resilience in coastal communities Food supply 574 R 45 7211
5027 Khomeini's incorporation of the Iranian military Roberts, M. 327 R 66 7212
2320 Performance analysis of mobile ad hoc networks Wireless communication systems 621.39 P 43 7213
3253 Robot vision strategies, algorithms and motion planning Robot vision. 004.5 R 66 7214
3366 Robot Vosion: New Research 621 R 60 7215
2417 Perspectives on international, state and local economics Regional economics 330:332 7217
2418 Perspectives on international, state and local economics Regional economics 330:332 7217
3510 Philosophical insights about modern science Science 501 P 57 7219
2555 Polymers and composites synthesis, properties and applications Polymeric composites 547 P 80 7220
2455 Polymers, polymer blends, polymer composites, and filled polymers synthesis, properties, and applications Polymers 547 P 80 7221
9239 საქართველოს ისტორია ტ.1 უძველესი დროიდან 20-ე ს-ის ბოლომდე . საქართველოს ისტორია 94(479.22) ს 32 7222
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